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An indigenous dispensary in the heart of the city

Spirit River Cannabis is a sovereign Indigenous cannabis brand  in the heart of London, Ontario. The shop has aims to transform Canada’s history of “economic genocide” into a new era of peaceful “economic reconciliation” between Indigenous people and the government of Canada.

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Chief del riley: The Last President

Indigenous Rights To Economic Sovereignty

Chief Del Riley, the former National Chief of the National Indian Brotherhood who was responsible for negotiating the inclusion of Sections 25 and 35 in the Canadian Constitution explains how cannabis is an Aboriginal right. 

From his years in the child prison camp known as the Mohawk Indian residential school to the halls of power, this is the story of how Del Riley, the last President of the National Indian Brotherhood, entrenched Aboriginal and treaty rights in the Canadian constitution. 

Chief Riley’s autobiography is now available for sale at Spirit River Cannabis for $30. You can also order the paperback or e-book edition online at

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